We have an amazing team in Uganda, ensuring our work runs successfully.
Caesar Lukango is the chairman of A Chance for Children in Uganda and Betty Nabulimu operates as CEO. They are responsible for supervising employees, spending funds wisely and accounting: they send us reports and a budget plan each month. In addition, we have a weekly conference call when we are not on site. We are proud of Betty, whose studies we financed so she could progress from working as Head of our boarding school.
As our organisation has grown, so have employee numbers. Currently we have over 420 employees in our schools, on pour farms and in our workshops. At our Christoph Bettermann Schools and our Schools for All, Madam Nuliet Nateeza leads a big team, including teachers, therapists and counsellors. Each of our employees receives their salary regularly and we pay into their public pension provision, as well as investing in our own saving system for employees.
Of course our volunteers are an enormous help to the organisation. From 2008 to December 2022, over 120 volunteers worked in Uganda, beside Gabi and Stefan and Thomas. Most of these volunteers are still active on behalf of A Chance for Children and we are grateful for their commitment.
Unser Team in Uganda
Ceasar Lukango
Die Direktoren unsere eigenen Schulen sowie das Management Team in Zigoti, gemeinsam mit den österreichischen Vorstandsmitgliedern Stefan Pleger (li. außen), Thomas Knapp (re. außen) und Gabi Ziller (hinten Mitte). Hintere Reihe rechts außen: Betty Nabulimu, Geschäftsführerin des Vereins in Uganda, daneben Obmann Ceasar Lukango.