2015 - Report from Katharina
I have started to write this report more than once. I was in Uganda from October 2014 to May 2015, a time of ups and downs, both in Uganda and back home. It took me some time to process all the impressions gained over those six months. I really enjoy looking back now because I gained an enormous amount of experience.
In the following lines you can read about my roller coaster emotions:
February 2015 ( during my stay)
I am a primary school teacher and I came to Uganda to support teachers and help them with the children. I will never forget the demotivation, indifference and boredom I saw on pupils' faces. I worked more as a motivation trainer than a teacher because of the lack of work ethic in most of the children. It took me two months to get over the cultural shock.
May 2015 (during my flight home)
Looking out of the window at this beautiful country, I never thought it would hurt so much to leave after the difficult start. My negative impressions were overcome by positive ones. Settling down in Uganda and dealing with its people and culture took a lot of strength. A part of my heart will always stay in Uganda. I had to prove to the teachers that I was there to support them, not to inspect them. I was always busy and I didn't slow down, but I learned to become more relaxed...
June 2015 (back in Austria)
The kids in Uganda found it hard to learn maths and I tried to help the teachers to teach them in a playful way. The classrooms were tiny and very crowded. I suggested teaching maths through movement so that the children would have fun. I kept games as simple as possible, yet exciting. I wanted teachers to discover how successful learning in a playful way can be.
November 2015 (a few days ago)
When I look back at my time in Uganda, thinking about my intensive work with the teachers and Headteacher, I believe they did benefit from my experience. At the beginning I was "the white one" but by the end they appreciated my work and support. I really hope my influence will last.