Sub-county clinics

The aim of our sub-county clinic was to inform and educate the community and carers of disabled children in Zigoti. Over the course of two days, social workers and therapists worked very closely with family members. Disabled children are traditionally seen as a family curse, but we wanted to allay fears and show that their children have the potential to play, go to school and be part of the community. In addition to the presentation, parents were able to ask questions in a short, private therapy meeting and learn how to support their child in everyday life with simple training sessions.
We want to thank all the sub-counties for providing premises and bringing people to the event. Feedback from the clinics and from our home visit programme, which serves 82 children, is enormously encouraging:
"I learned that my child can have a future, even if he is different".
"Doctors told me there was no hope for my child. Through the clinic I know they lied".
"I am not ashamed any more because I know I'm not the only one".
"Since seeing other families with disabled children I feel much better".