Successful Christmas campaign "Schlaf Gut" (Sleep Well)

If you wanted to give a donation instead of a Christmas present, you could order "Schlaf gut" (Sleep Well) cards from us. In return, we can provide a child in Uganda with a mosquito net, a blanket and a sheet and thus also offer protection against deadly malaria. In total, we have raised over 7,000 Euros and can thus provide over 400 children with bedding and mosquito nets. THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO ALL DONORS!
We were able to win the "Tyrler" in Innsbruck as a local partner, where over 50 tickets were sold.
For almost 200 years, Tyrler has been advising its customers on everything to do with sleeping. In addition, social responsibility is a special concern for the team around Karl Gostner. It is not for nothing that Tyrler is in the final for the German Sustainability Award Design 2021.
Our association member Barbara Knapp painted the cards herself and the Felder company did the printing. The mosquito nets are glued onto the cards by hand.
We would like to thank all our supporters and promise to come up with something new for Christmas.