Frequently asked questions
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  • Are donations tax-deductible?

    Yes, they are. Please note that we don’t automatically send a donation receipt; only if it is specifically requested by the tax authority. In this case, don’t hesitate to contact us at .

    Your request

  • ​Can I visit the organisation in Uganda and meet my sponsored child?

    If you are planning a trip to Uganda we would love to show you our daily work and what we have achieved with your support. We can try to arrange a meeting with your sponsored child but please note that we are not a travel agency, nor are our employees taxi drivers, and your child may live in a remote part of the country.

  • Can I invite my sponsored child home?

    Visits from your sponsored child to your home country are not desirable. We support children in Uganda who are most in need, giving them the means to improve their country's development.

  • How often can I write to my sponsored child and how often will they reply?

    At least twice a year, Stefan, Gabi and other volunteers deliver letters by hand as there is no postal service to rural areas of Uganda. We try to ensure that children reply promptly.

  • Can I send presents to my sponsored child?

    See guidance notes for sponsors. A small present, such as a cap, toothbrush or pen is useful. We want to avoid jealousy and children expecting presents. Never send money! We carry post in our luggage and act as couriers for over 1,000 godparents - that's quite a weight.


  • Are there really only volunteers in the organisation?

    Yes, in Austria everyone works as a volunteer in their free time, which is why there may be a delay in responding to your enquiries. New volunteers are welcome - we have a range of responsibilities, so please do contact us if you would like to help.

    In Uganda our volunteers are paid a small allowance for their personal needs. Local employees receive a local salary; we do not pay high salaries like some international organisations as we do not want to upset the local economy.
