Porridge programme - for supper and education
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Porridge programme

Schools are supported
children are provided with porridge
kg of porridge have been delivered in 2018

The quality of education in public primary schools in Uganda is often inconceivably bad. Resources to monitor teachers' attendance and standards are scarce and as teachers are paid whether they are in school or not, they frequently fail to turn up or to deliver well-prepared lessons. 

Since 2011, A Chance for Children has been working with the Ugandan Ministry of Education to provide a hot meal in 30 public schools, which encourages teachers and children to attend school more regularly. A further 20 schools are in the process of adopting the Porridge Programme: in return for the meals, inspectors check teachers' preparation for classes and attendance and can caution them or reward them with promotion. The improvement in quality of teaching has been remarkable. In 2015 we reached 7,500 children with the Porridge Programme.

Power through porridge

In 2014 three employees of A Chance for Children delivered 29,869 kg to the schools with the Porridge Programme. The porridge is made with locally-grown corn, ground in local mills and purchased locally. The husk is retained (wholemeal), which makes the porridge more nutritious and contributes to a balanced and healthy diet for the children.